a virtual tree hovers over an IKEA wooden chair in a living room
Personalized breast support system
Silke Hofmann
We accompanied the extensive research by Silke Hofmann, developing a customizable design system that blurrs the divide between underwear and clothing.
Our role:
Creative direction
Parametric Design
Concept development
User Testing
three pages of the white paper are shown layered on top of each other
three pages of the white paper are shown layered on top of each other


The aim was to challenge the traditional idea of bras by experimenting with new ways to distribute support across the upper body.

The underwear industry often neglects individuals who opt out of breast reconstruction or prostheses, leaving them underserved. Embrace 3 targets this overlooked demographic by providing tailored breast support solutions through tesselated textiles. The predecessor project embrace2 is based on a customized knitwear that is reinforce through laminated tilings. This process is cost intensive and reduces accessibility and producibility of the product.

an explosion view of the IKEA wooden chair in the living room
a digital overlay of the time line and history of an object
a digital overlay of the time line and history of an object
a digital overlay of the time line and history of an object
● Images from the embrace research by Silke Hofmann - CIRCE Publication


Tessellation principles are particularly suited to the creation of distributed breast support structures. These small variable tile shapes provide gradations of opposing functions (soft and hard) while responding to individual body shapes to create a gentle yet protective structure around an individual’s topology.

Explore the depth of the embrace research in the CIRCE publication:

Read the publication
● Parametric model adapting to breast topology


We evaluated the functionality of the design system qualitatively and empirically. The qualitative evaluation with the model Jakobe was based on wearer trials. Her experience and feeling of wearing was documented in video reviews. For technical evaluation we collaborated with the swiss material science laboratory Empa. Gradual tiling patterns were tested for their elasticity to inform the pattern design.  


Tesselated textiles and individualized support can help create an inclusive range of products for bodies with diverse needs.

The embrace3 project was funded through the Creative Impact Fund (CIF), an initiative and entrepreneurial testing ground of the Creative Impact Research Centre Europe (CIRCE). CIRCE supported eight projects focused on devising creative impact prototypes, enabling them to reach the proof of concept stage within an eight-month timeframe (CIRCE, 2023).

Visit also EMBRACEExplore microsite

Project designer & production
Silke Hofmann

Project designer & parametric pattern
WINT Design Lab

Ingmar Kurth

Process images
Silke Hofmann

Mechanical testing

Co-designer and wearer
Jacobe Delatour

Carl Bahra


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